One Lovely Blog Award


Hello, everyone! I was nominated by the amazing Just Geeky Fabulous for the One Lovely Blog Award. Her blog is wonderful – do go check it out if you already haven’t!

one lovely blog iconrules




  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to them
  • Share 7-15 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 9-15 bloggers you admire and contact them


  1. I love metal music. I love Bring Me The Horizon (at least, before “That’s the Spirit”), Metallica, Judas Priest, Danzig, Asking Alexandria, etc.
  2.  I’m doing Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and I’m enjoying learning all this new stuff.
  3. I am scared of dogs. Whenever I see them, I imagine they’re going run behind me and bite my feet off.
  4. I love sweets. And I cannot stand anything spicy (not even a tad bit spice). I am a disgrace to Indians.
  5. I hate kids. I find them irrititating and extremely noisy.
  6. I love to help and motivate everyone and hope that someone might benefit from my words sometime. (I know. Very original.)
  7. I am very time conscious and hate being late.
  8. People sometimes feel I’m negative. I feel I’m just too realistic.
  9. I love my family. They will always come first.
  10. I am not very good at mingling with my classmates. I am extremely shy and often come off as self-absorbed among my class. And they find me too intimidating to try to talk to me. So, yeah. I’m a social butterfly.


Inge @The Belgian Reviewer

Cadance & Erika @Literary Dust

Beth @Reading Every Night

Raven @Dreamy Addictions

cup of tea with that book, please

Elizabeth @ The Bookish Universe

Mara @ Across The Books

Emily @ Be Book Smart

Jessica @The Bookworm Chronicles


Once, again. Thanks to Just Geeky Fabulous for the nomination! And thanks to everyone who stick with me and my blog despite my irregular posts. Love you all!


16 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Thanks so much for the nomination. I don’t think I’ve ever been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award before so I’m excited to get around to this one!
    I loved reading all your facts. Oh it’s a such a shame you’re afraid of dogs. I have a dog and honestly I love him so much so I can’t imagine being afraid of them, but yeah I do agree with you on the disliking kids point. I don’t mind babies but when they get to a certain age I just don’t know how to deal with them and I’m very awkward around them.
    Again thanks for the tag! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m scared of dogs too. They have teeth and they love to jump on people: not a great combo.
    Dunno why doglovers always tell me “Oh, he’s friendly” when I know the dog is thinking of eating me.

    Liked by 1 person

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